DBMS MCQ Questions With Answers Set 5

Database multiple choice questions with answers, database management system multiple choice questions with answers set 5. A database is the back end of an software. A DBMS receives instruction from a database administrator (DBA) and therefore instructs the system to make the essential modifications. these commands can be to load, retrieve or alter existing data from the system. A DBMS always provides records independence. Any change in storage mechanism and formats are carried out without modifying the entire software.
DBMS mcqs questions with answers set 5 contains the mcqs which covers the topics such as introduction to E-R model, entity relationship model, components of E-R model, types of entities, associative entities, types of entity relationships, types of attributes, single-values attributes, multi-valued attributes, composite attributes, types of identifiers, composite identifiers, degree of relationships, recursive relationship, ternary relationship, cardinality relationship, one-to-one relationship, one-to-many relationship, many-to-many relationship and so on..
DBMS MCQ Questions With Answers Set 5
1. In an E-R diagram rectangle with rounded corners represents _______?A). Entity class
B). Weak entity
C). Relationship
D). Attribute
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2. In an E-R diagram a ellipse represents________?
A). Weak entity
B). Relationship
C). Attribute
D). Entity class
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3. In an E-R diagram a relationship is represented by________?
A). Ellipse
B). Rectangle
C). Rectangle with rounded corners
D). Diamond
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4. An attribute which consists of a group of attributes is called ______?
A). Composite attributes
B). Multi-valued attributes
C). Composite identifiers
D). Identifiers
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5. Identifiers that consists of two or more attributes are called_______?
A). Composite identifiers
B). Multi-valued attributes
C). Composite attributes
D). Identifiers
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6. Which refers to connecting entities of different types when identifiers are different?
A). HAS-A relationships
B). IS-A relationships
C). Binary relationship
D). None
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7. Relationships among entities of a single class are called_______?
A). IS-A relationships
B). Recursive relationships
C). HAS-A relationships
D). None
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8. Which is not included in the definition of an entity?
A). Person
B). Object
C). Concept
D). Action
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A). Course
B). Department
C). Student_Id
D). Student
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10. If employee is the entity type then Michael, smith is the entity_______?
A). Characteristics
B). Field
C). Identifier
D). Instance
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11. A meaningful association between entity types is _______?
A). Relationship type
B). Entity identifier
C). Relationship instance
D). Associative entity
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12. An entity type whose existence depends on another entity type is called _________ entity?
A). Strong
B). Weak
C). Dependent
D). Variant
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13. An entity that Associates the instances of one or more entity types and contains attributes specific to the relationships is called ________?
A). Associative entity
B). Connecting entity
C). Intersectional entity
D). All
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14. A person name, birthday and social security number are all examples of _______?
A). Entities
B). Attributes
C). Relationships
D). Descriptors
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15. The most common type of relationship encountered in data modelling is __________ relationship?
A). Unary
B). Binary
C). Ternary
D). Associative
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16. Which is not a basic construct of an E-R model?
A). Relationships
B). Entity types
C). Identifiers
D). Attributes
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A). Student_Address
B). College_Degree
C). Student_GPA
D). ID_Number
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18. _________ specifies the number of instances of one entity that can or must be associated with each instance of another?
A). Cardinality constraint
B). Entity instance
C). Associative entity
D). Multi-valued attribute
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19. An entity class?
A). Contains structure or format of entity
B). Contains one instance of a particular entity
C). Represents something that the users want to track
D). b and c
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20. All instances of a given entity?
A). Have the same values for the attributes
B). Belong to the same entity class
C). Have the same attributes
D). b and c
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21. ______ express the number of entities to which another entity can be associated via a relationship set.
A). Relational Cardinality
B). Mapping Cardinality
C). Participation Constraints
D). None of these
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22. An entity in A is associated with at most one entity in B, and an entity in B is associated with at most one entity in A. This is called as _____?
A). Many-to-many
B). One-to-many
C). One-to-one
D). Many-to-one
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23. An entity in A is associated with at most one entity in B. An entity in B, however can be associated with any number (zero or more) of entities in A. This is called as _____?
A). Many-to-one
B). Many-to-many
C). One-to-one
D). One-to-many
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24. Every weak entity set can be converted into a strong entity set by _____?
A). Using generalization
B). Using aggregation
C). Adding appropriate attributes
D). None of the above
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25. In E-R model the details of the entities are hidden from the user. This process is called _____?
A). Generalization
B). Abstraction
C). Specialization
D). None of these
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great sir!