Pedagogy MCQs Set 4

Instructional planning mcqs, pedagogy mcqs with answers, educational strategies, learning environment, pedagogy NTS notes, pedagogy multiple choice questions with answers set 4. Bloom's taxonomy is a set of three hierarchical models used to categorise educational learning goals into levels of complexity and specificity. The three lists cover the learning objectives in cognitive, affective and sensory domains. The cognitive domain list has been the primary cognizance of most traditional education and is frequently used to structure curriculum learning objectives, assessments and activities. The models were named after Benjamin Bloom, who chaired the committee of educators that devised the taxonomy.
The following pedagogy mcqs set covers the various questions related to pedagogy and instructional planning sub topics such as taxonomies, teacher character, teaching techniques, teaching strategies, teaching methods, classroom management, social vales, moral values and methods of teaching. Pedagogy is the compulsory portion of every educator post NTS test. This portion consists of 10 questions. Every individual, job seeker who want to appear in educators jobs test should prepare it before appearing in the test.
Instructional Planning Mcqs, Strategies, Learning Environment, Pedagogy Mcqs Set 4
1. When the students try to solve the questions in same or different ways as thought by the teacher from prescribed books then the student should be?A). Suggested to talk with their teacher after the period
B). Suggested to follow the classroom notes in order to get good marks in the examination
C). Encouraged to consult some other books and the subject
D). Discouraged to consult some other books and the subject
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2. The experienced teachers do not require The detailed lesson plan of a topic because:
A). When they commit some mistake, they do not face any challenge from their students
B). The number of curious students is very poor in the class
C). They can equip themselves with brief outline as they gain specialization in it through experience
D). They can teach in a good manner without its help
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3. The problem of dropout in which students leave their schooling in early years can be tackled in a better way through______?
A). Sympathy of teachers
B). Encouragement of the students
C). Reduction of the weight of Curriculum
D). Attractive School environment
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4. A teacher can develop social values among Students by?
A). Behaving ideally
B). Telling them about great people
C). Telling them good stories
D). Developing sense of discipline
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5. A teacher asks the questions in the class to___?
A). Teach to the students
B). Attract students attention
C). Keep students busy
D). Maintain discipline
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6. The most important indicator of quality of education in a school is______?
A). Infrastructural facilities of a school
B). Text books and teaching learning material
C). Classroom system
D). Student achievement level
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7. The best remedy of the students problem related with learning is_____?
A). Suggestion for private tuition
B). Diagnostic teaching
C). Suggestion for hard work
D). Supervised study in library
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8. When the students failed, it can be understood that_____?
A). The individual student's failure
B). The teacher's failure
C). The system has failed
D). The textbooks failure
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9. It is advantage of giving homework that students:
A). May develop habit of self study
B). Remain busy at home
C). May be checked for their progress
D). Study at home
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10. The essential element of the syllabus for the children remained out of school should be____?
A). Numerical competencies
B). Vocational competencies
C). Life skills
D). Literacy competencies
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A). The girls were badly discriminated in favour of boys in the past
B). The girls are more intelligent in comparison than the boys
C). Only girls are capable of leading for social change
D). The girls are lesser in number than boys
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12. The purpose of new education policy in Pakistan is____?
A). To delink the degree with education
B). To link to the education with employment
C). To provide equal opportunity of education to all
D). To improve the whole education system
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13. To raise the standard of education in Pakistan it is necessary?
A). To evaluate students continuously
B). To revise curriculum
C). To make good school building
D). None of these
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14. What is most important for a good teacher?
A). To be a good orator
B). To remove difficulties of students
C). To be punctual in class
D). To maintain discipline in class
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15. Why students should play games in school?
A). It makes them physically strong
B). It makes work easier for teacher
C). It develops co-operation and physical balance
D). It makes them mentally strong
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16. The in-service teacher training can be made more effective by_____?
A). Practicing training follow up procedure
B). Using co-operative approach
C). Making it a residential program
D). Using training package which is well prepared in advance
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17. A teacher has serious defeat if he/she_____?
A). Has immature mental development
B). Has weak personality
C). Belongs to low socio-economic status
D). Is physically handicapped
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18. The classification of cognitive domain was presented by?
A). Krathwhol
B). Simpson
C). Skinner
D). Benjamin S.Bloom
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19. Cognitive domain has______?
A). Three subgroups
B). Four subgroups
C). Five subgroups
D). Six subgroups
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20. The lowest level of learning in cognitive domain is____?
A). Application
B). Synthesis
C). Knowledge
D). Comprehension
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A). Comprehension
B). Knowledge
C). Application
D). Evaluation
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22. To grasp the meaning of the material is____?
A). Synthesis
B). Knowledge
C). Application
D). Comprehension
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23. To breakdown material into component parts to know its organizational structure is_____?
A). Analysis
B). Synthesis
C). Application
D). Comprehension
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24. To put ideas together to form a new whole is?
A). Analysis
B). Application
C). Synthesis
D). Evaluation
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25. To know the worth or value of material is_____?
A). Evaluation
B). Application
C). Knowledge
D). Analysis
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